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How to Build a Great Brand

To create a successful brand, it is essential to stand out in the crowded on and offline space and establish an identity that resonates with your target audience. Following a few key steps, you can build a brand that will attract, engage, and delight customers, ultimately helping your business grow. From understanding the basics of branding to crafting a brand that will stand the test of time, read on to learn more about the process of building a successful brand.

What is branding?

Branding is the comprehensive process of developing, managing, and evolving a company's or individual's reputation. This involves understanding the needs and preferences of the organization's customer base and consistently presenting the brand in a way that aligns with those customers. While a logo is an essential element of branding, it is only one aspect of the more extensive process of creating a cohesive visual identity. In reality, branding encompasses a wide range of communication efforts that work together to build and maintain a positive reputation.

Know your audience.

To effectively build a brand, it's crucial to understand your target audience. Spend time answering critical questions about your customers, such as what motivates them, what will encourage them to engage with your brand, and what will turn them into loyal customers. You can gather this information through website analytics, social media feedback, competitor research, and surveys. If you have multiple target audiences, consider segmenting them based on characteristics such as demographics, tastes, and buying behaviours. This will help you tailor your branding efforts to each group's specific needs and interests. Once you deeply understand your audience, you can build a brand that resonates with them.

Define your mission and vision.

Your brand needs a clear sense of purpose and direction, which your brand mission and vision can define. Your mission is the driving force behind your business and should be centred on fulfilling a specific desire or need, solving a problem, or otherwise benefiting your customers. Your vision is the ultimate end goal of your business and should be based on how you plan to deliver on your mission and what impact your product or service will have on your customers. You can also establish company values to help your audience and employees understand the importance of your mission and vision and the guiding principles behind your business. These values will help to add authenticity to your brand and give your business a sense of authenticity.

Develop your brand message and voice.

In addition to a strong visual identity, it's crucial to establish a clear and compelling brand message and a unique voice when building a brand. Your brand message is a consistent way of expressing your company's value proposition and should be communicated consistently across all touchpoints. It helps to build understanding and trust in your brand. Meanwhile, your brand voice is the tone and personality used to communicate your brand message and should reflect the personalities of your target audience segments. By developing a solid brand message and voice, you can connect with and engage customers, helping them to remember and identify with your brand.

Identify your brand touchpoints.

Brand touchpoints are the various points of interaction that a member of your target audience may have with your brand. These touchpoints can include a paid social media ad to browsing your products in a physical store. Delivering a positive and meaningful experience for your audience at every touchpoint is essential. You can track brand touchpoints online by following the customer journey and reviewing website analytics. Once you have a sense of how customers interact with your brand, it's essential to conduct a touchpoint analysis to identify areas for improvement. For example, suppose you notice that people leave your website quickly (with a high bounce rate). In that case, you might consider experimenting with different design templates or social media tools to see if it helps keep people on your site longer. Understanding and optimizing your brand touchpoints can create a more consistent customer experience throughout their journey.

Create a visual identity system

Branding can involve multiple senses, including taste, touch, feel, sound, and smell. However, the most common form of branding is through visual interactions, such as on a website or in a physical ad. It's vital for your brand to have a cohesive and high-quality visual identity system to ensure that it is consistently recognizable and professional. When designing a visual identity for your brand, consider incorporating the following elements:


A logo is the visual representation of a brand and is often the first impression a business makes on its audience. It can be a typographic depiction of the business's name, an icon, or a symbol. It's essential to design a unique and memorable logo that accurately reflects your brand and stands out from the competition. A strong logo is an essential part of a successful branding strategy.

Colour palette

To create a cohesive and compelling visual identity, you must understand which colours resonate with your target audience. You can research to gather this information or experiment with different colour schemes to see which ones have the desired impact on your audience. Remember that different colours can evoke different emotions, so consider how you want your brand to make people feel and choose colours that align with that goal. You can test different colour schemes on your website to see which works best. You can create a solid and impactful visual identity by carefully selecting the right colours for your brand.


When choosing fonts for your brand, you must consider the tone and personality you want to convey. Do you want to be playful or serious, or something in between? You should also consider what type of font will resonate with your audience. Experiment with different fonts on your website to see which ones work best for your brand. You can use different fonts for different elements, such as your logo, headlines, subheadings, and body text, as long as they are complementary and work well together on the page. Remember, fonts are a crucial part of your visual brand identity, so choose ones that reflect the tone and personality of your business.


Brand imagery, including illustrations and product photography, helps to create a consistent visual experience for your target audience. As you develop your graphic elements, consider the shapes, textures, lines, and patterns you will use. These details help to maintain a cohesive visual aesthetic. Your design choices can also help to express the mood and personality of your brand. For example, using bubbly borders around images can convey a playful personality, while a more subdued line-only border may be more serious. It's vital to ensure that your visual appearance aligns with your overall messaging and mission.

Maintain brand reputation

Maintaining a strong brand is a continuous process beyond the initial development of a visual identity. Great brands require ongoing care and attention to ensure that they continue to thrive. This includes regularly evaluating the performance of your brand assets and seeking feedback from your audience through methods such as email sign-up forms, customer surveys, and social polls. By staying attuned to what resonates with your audience, you can help to strengthen your brand and build a positive reputation. Remember, branding is an ongoing pursuit that requires continuous effort to maintain and improve.